Punya Sifat Ini Tunjukkan Kamu Kecanduan Zaman Modern!

Zaman kita sekarang ini sudah dapat dikatakan sebagai zaman modern dan semakin banyak saja hal-hal baru yang muncul terus-menerus dalam kehidupan kita setiap harinya sehingga tidak diragukan lagi hal tersebut sering sekali dapat membuat banyak orang jadi kecanduan untuk melakukannya dan menjadikannya kewajiban sehingga tidak bisa terlepas dari perubahan baru itu.

Kecanduan sendiri adalah sifat yang tidak baik karena seseorang cenderung bergantung terhadap apa yang membuatnya merasa nyaman tersebut, kita ambil saja contohnya adalah obat-obatan atau hobi mengkonsumsi makanan misalnya? dan kali ini adalah beberapa hal yang merupakan sifat atau sikap bahwa kalian juga kecanduan terhadap sesuatu di zaman modern ini.

1. Candu terhadap makanan dan minuman

Berbagai variasi makanan dengan jenis minuman baru bermunculan di mana saja dan kamu tidak tahan untuk terus mencobanya kemudian ingin mengupdatenya dalam akun sosmed kamu, kelakukan ini dapat dikatakan sudah biasa terjadi di mana saja dan bagi siapa saja di zaman maju ini. Tetapi dapat dikatakan bahwa sifat seperti ini saja sudah mampu dibilang kalian sudah terlanjur candu terhadap makanan dengan minuman setiap saat. Sebaiknya tetap pikirkan kesehatan dan hindari mengkonsumsi makanan atau minuman sembarangan tanpa memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh ya.

2. Kecanduan bermain game

Banyak orang yang menghabiskan waktu untuk bermain game tanpa bergerak dimana-mana adalah hal umum yang sering kita temui, kebiasaan ini bahkan bisa dibilang sebagai kecanduan juga karena waktu untuk bermain terkadang dapat melebihi batas dan tidak menggunakannya untuk kepentingan lainnya sehingga menjadi kebiasaan setiap harinya atau sudah dianggap merupakan aktivitas yang wajib dilakukan.

3. Kecanduan shopping

Berbicara tentang suka belanja kini tidak hanya ditunjukkan pada perempuan saja yang sering ktia anggap begitu, melainkan pria juga sudah memiliki hobi ini seperti sering belanja game, fashion, dll untuk hobinya masing-masing. Terkadang kegiatan ini dilakukan melebihi batas tanpa disadari apalagi di zaman modern sudah bisa belanja online dan membuat banyak orang menjadi kecanduan dan rela menghabiskan uangnya dengan belanja setiap harinya.

Situs Judi Online Aman Tanpa Penipuan

Foxrungames bekerja sama dengan forum judi online terbesar di Indonesia, telah mengumpulkan data mengenai mana saja situs judi yang terbaik, dan tanpa ada indikasi penipuan didalamnya.

Sebelum melaju lebih jauh, saya ingin bertanya kepada Anda semuanya.
Tahukan dan percayakah Anda jika ada agen judi online di Indonesia ini yang penipu ?
Sebagian dari Anda mungkin ada yang percaya, dan sebagiannya lagi tidak terlalu yakin, atau justru yakin sekali.

Situs Judi Poker, Taruhan Bola, Togel Online Penipu

Perlu saya jabarkan terlebih dahulu yaa, mengenai adanya situs judi online penipu.

Jadi di negara kita Indonesia ini ada banyak sekali situs judi entah itu poker online, togel, judi bola, dan sebagainya. Mungkin jika dihitung ada ratusan ribu lebih agen judi online.

Kenapa bisa banyak sekali ?

Itu karena mereka memiliki Group sendiri-sendiri. Jadi setiap group bisa mempunyai 20 hingga 100 lebih situs judi online.

Nah dari setiap group tersebut, sudah pasti ada yang tidak beres. Saya jamin ada group yang tidak fair, alias penipu. Itu sudah pasti, tidak mungkin semuanya jujur.

Jadi bisa dibayangkan kan, berapa banyak situs berbahaya di Indonesia ini. Karena 1 group saja bisa membuat banyak situs.

Jika Anda berpikir saya berbicara omong kosong (Hoax), silahkan saja. Tapi yang jelas saya pribadi pernah 2 kali tertipu oleh bandar judi. Pada saat itu saya bermain disebuah situs poker online. Saya masih ingat betul alamat situs tersebut, namun tidak perlu saya tulis disini. Karena ternyata di Google saja banyak yang mengatakan bahwa agen poker tersebut memang penipu.

Cara mereka dulu menipu saya adalah dengan menghapus akun saya secara sepihak. Ketika saya meminta penjelasan mengapa bisa terjadi demikian, mereka diam saja. Berarti kan memang sudah niat membuat situs judi online untuk menipu.

Itulah penjelasan dari saya, kenapa kok bisa ngotot betul kalau ada banyak situs judi yang penipu. Saya berbicara ini semua bukan tanpa landasan, semua berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya. Saya berbicara apa adanya, tanpa adanya embel-embel menjelekan atau memuji salah satu pihak. Ini murni tanpa adanya sangkut paut dari pihak manapun.

Dan disini saya hanya akan menuliskan, nama situs judi online yang menurut saya terbaik dan terpercaya.

Rekomendasi Agen Judi Online Aman Tanpa Penipuan

Dari adanya peristiwa yang menimpa saya dulu tersebut, maka dari itu saya membuat konten ini. Bertujuan agar tidak ada lagi korban seperti saya. Selain itu juga karena saya ingin membuat para situs judi penipu tersebut sepi, sehingga tidak memakan korban lagi.

Yang ingin saya sampaikan disini yaitu informasi nama situs judi online terpercaya di Indonesia :


Menurut beberapa sumber yang saya dapat, Wargapoker adalah bandar judi online pertama di Indonesia. Jadi sebelum banyaknya bandar judi seperti sekarang ini, Wargapoker lah yang pertama ada di Indonesia. Dan saya pernah berkesemaptan untuk bermain didalamnya. Hal yang saya peroleh dari agen satu ini adalah ada banyak game yang disediakan, jadi bukan hanya poker saja yang bisa kita mainkan disitus Wargapoker. Kemudian server game poker ini menggunakan Idn poker atau Idnplay.

Lalu dari segi pelayanannya juga terbilang sangat bagus. Sesekali saya pernah bertanya melalui form live chat yang disediakan dan Customer Service nya melayani saya dengan baik, membantu saya dengan sabar.

Saya minta maaf, karena dari sekian banyak situs judi online, saya hanya bisa merekomendasikan satu saja. Dan saya juga mohon maaf kepada para agen terpercaya lainnya yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan disini. Itu karena belum saya coba mendaftar untuk mengamati. Mungkin nanti bisa tinggalkan komentar, rekomendasi situs lainnya. Dan akan saya cek terlebih dahulu jejak recordnya, jika ok maka saya tambahkan ke tabel diatas.

Perlu diketahui pula, saya sama sekali tidak menerima bayaran apapun, atas tindakan saya yang secara tidak langsung mengiklankan nama-nama situs diatas tersebut.

Kalau saya mah nulis apa adanya, karena saya juga pemain judi.

Sekian saja yaa info dari saya, semoga bisa memberikan manfaat. Saya sarankan untuk berhati-hati dalam memilih dan menentukan situs judi. Karena nantinya uang asli yang akan menjadi taruhannya.

Mungkin Anda punya pilihan situs sendiri juga tidak apa, bisa sharing-sharing disini. Silahkan, jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar.

3 Permainan Classic Terbaik Di Smartphone

Dengan semakin berkembangnya zaman, Teknologi yang ada didunia turut berkembang dengan pesat. Bahkan smartphone merupakan salah satu gadget yang hampir dimiliki oleh semua orang dari semua kalangan.

Tak heran jika banyak vendor yang mencari kesempatan untuk meraup keuntungan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital yang juga semakin berkembang dijaman serba digital seperti saat ini.

Selain mengembangkan teknologi untuk berkomunikasi, Saat ini banyak produsen yang mengembangkan game yang sebenarnya terinspirasi dari permainan tradisional.

Nah, Apa saja permainan tradisional yang telah berhasil dikembangkan menjadi game di smartphone anda?Berikut ini beberapa game digital yang terinspirasi dari permainan tradisional.


Monopoli merupakan salah satu permainan classic yang cukup populer dan terkenal pada awal pelirisannya hingga awal tahun 1990-an.

Hal paling menarik dari permainan monopoli adalah para pemain akan diberikan sejumlah uang kertas sebagai modal diawal permainan. Modal tersebut kemudian akan digunakan sepanjang permainan.

Melihat kepopuleran permainan monopoli, Beberapa vendor lantas mengembangkan permainan monopoli versi digital yang bisa langsung dimainkan menggunakan smartphone yang ada saat ini.


Umumnya banyak sekali permainan classic yang menggunakan dadu untuk menentukan jalannya permainan. Selain monopoli, Ludo juga merupakan salah satu permainan classic yang cukup populer dan banyak dimainkan oleh semua orang.

Meski permainan ludo terlihat lebih simple, Namun keseruan pada permainan ini tidak kalah dibandingkan dengan jenis permainan lain yang juga sama populer.

Dunia teknologi yang semakin berkembang membuat beberapa vendor mengembangkan permainan ludo versi digital yang bisa dimainkan langsung melalui smartphone. Bahkan kamu bisa bermain multiplayer dengan teman untuk mencari lawan tanding loh.


Bisa dibilang, Catur merupakan permainan classic yang paling tidak ada matinya. Bahkan permainan classic ini memiliki turnamen berskala internasional loh!

Catur merupakan permainan yang cukup serius karena permainan ini merupakan salah satu permainan yang membuat para pemain harus mampu beradu strategi.

Melihat kepopuleran catur diseluruh dunia, Permainan ini kemudian dikembangkan versi digitalnya sehingga semua orang bisa memainkan permainan ini hanya melalui smartphone tanpa harus membawa papan catur yang memiliki ukuran lumayan besar.

My Port – Gambaran Umum Memproduksi Port Online kalian sendiri!

Memulai pintu dan kemungkinan baru dalam layanan situs kasino online My Port (port klip video internet) membuat pemain situs kasino online internet kemungkinan untuk menyesuaikan dan menyesuaikan port klip video pribadi mereka. Periode saat ini dari port situs kasino online internet memungkinkan pemain untuk memasukkan rekaman video pribadi mereka, tampak dan mata pelajaran teduh untuk alasan itu merobohkan nama merek yang memukul port situs kasino online baru dan unik yang mengandalkan seseorang yang senang kegiatan olahraga. Port klip video My Port adalah pelaku konsep dinamis dengan produsen layanan situs kasino online internet Microgaming (TM).

Secepat mengunduh dan memasang situs kasino online yang didukung melalui perangkat Microgaming, prosedur pemasangan dari waktu senggang benar-benar tidak menarik. Semua pemain yang ingin dilakukan adalah membuat opsi My Port dari pengaturan dari permainan komputer port yang diindeks dan mengikuti aktivitas olahraga untuk diserahkan ke ruang masuk situs kasino online mereka.

Mengubah foto

Secepat aktivitas olahraga telah diserahkan ke ruang masuk situs kasino on-line peserta, Anda dapat mulai mengubah perasaan yang sebenarnya dan muncul dari aktivitas olahraga dengan mengklik setiap foto yang dipelajari di permainan komputer ‘buat topik baru’ antarmuka pengguna. Waktu luang telanjang telah memuat ikon yang telah diatur sebelumnya, seperti lonceng, ceri, ikon batang, jeruk, dan segumpal uang karena ikon pembayaran terkemuka.

Di samping ikon pembayaran terkemuka, ikon pembayaran yang dikurangi dilambangkan dengan menggunakan 6 ikon kartu yang menyenangkan mulai dari 9 hingga Ace.

My Port adalah lima-reel, port 9 Payline yang selanjutnya sesuai dengan ikon Wild dan Scatter yang dikembangkan untuk memberikan peluang sukses yang lebih besar kepada individu – itu ditemukan di salah satu sudut paling praktis paling praktis dari pengguna ‘buat topik baru’ antarmuka dan juga hanya diganti dengan foto opsi. Setelah individu tersebut mengklik tanda dia mengomposisikan pikiran kita menjadi tombol, folder pribadi ‘rekaman saya’ peserta sekarang dibuka di area yang dapat dipilih individu tersebut dan termasuk gambar pilihannya. Jika foto yang dipilih tidak diposisikan dalam folder tanda komputer laptop yang akurat, sebenarnya ada opsi lebih lanjut untuk memilih pemberitahuan; asalkan itu termasuk foto. Tidak ada hambatan dimensi tanda dan pemain dapat mengubah semua foto dengan editor ikon praktis. Alat nyata ini mudah digunakan dan memungkinkan individu untuk menentukan area yang disukai dari salah satu yang paling baik seperti tanda.

Mengerjakan topik warna

Pilihan subjek warna diposisikan di sudut kiri belakang dari antarmuka pengguna topik. Terbaik di sini, pemain dapat mengubah warna latar belakang di port mereka yang cocok dengan foto di yang dipilih sebelumnya. Jika seseorang memilih foto dari alam, setelah itu kemungkinan besar pilihan praktis dari warna latar belakang bisa tidak terampil atau langit biru. Semua warna tampak jelas karena rentang tersebut juga dapat dihasilkan dari seluruh rentang warna yang ditemukan di bagian belakang dari pemilih subjek warna.

Mengubah lagu subjek

Pemain Port saya juga dapat mengelola lagu-lagu seiring dengan gameplay mereka. Yang ingin mereka lakukan adalah mengeklik sakelar end amandemen ’yang ditemukan di sudut kanan dari antarmuka pengguna‘ buat subjek baru ’. Pemain saat ini dapat memilih lagu favorit mereka atau tampaknya dalam inisiatif untuk mendapatkan My Port menikmati acara yang benar-benar spesial.

Menghemat topik My Port baru Anda

Secepat semua perubahan berakhir, semua yang mungkin dipercayakan untuk dilakukan adalah menyimpan subjek baru yang bisa Anda hasilkan. Cukup lakukan ini dengan memberikan reputasi baru secara online pada topik baru Anda dan dengan mengeklik di at toko ’di bagian belakang dari antarmuka pengguna‘ buat subjek baru ’. Secepat yang dilakukan pemain, mereka mungkin memiliki kemampuan untuk mulai menikmati port klip video yang benar-benar baru dan dikustomisasi. Pemain dapat menghasilkan banyak port yang menggambarkan hal lain dalam selera mereka mewakili peserta favorit (dan saat ini tidak begitu favorit) dari rumah tangga, menyukai hewan peliharaan keluarga, kendaraan favorit, tempat liburan yang berbeda, selebriti yang menonjol, goyang selebriti, selebriti film dan lebih. Port klip video My Port memiliki jam dari tawa dan imajinasi di toko untuk individu online internet kasino situs – kemungkinan saat ini menetapkan benar-benar tak berujung.

Menyenangkan di Slotku

Bersenang-senang di My Port sama mendasarnya dengan menikmati port klip video internet lainnya. Menjadi lima-reel, 9 port klip video payline, kegiatan olahraga memamerkan cukup banyak sebenarnya memiliki pilihan taruhan untuk individu. Pemain dapat membuat opsi opsi dari paylines inquisitive mengenai setiap rotasi – paylines tambahan yang mereka pilih, semakin besar peluang dari memiliki pengembalian yang sebenarnya lebih besar. Pilihan terbaik dari memiliki benar-benar uang taruhan adalah 5 inning sesuai dengan rotate namun secepat itu benar-benar memilih untuk memainkan semua 9 paylines, firasat akan terjadi selama empat puluh 5 uang dalam mempertahankan dengan rotate. Jumlah rendah sepanjang waktu yang disetujui pada firasat 9 payline adalah 9 uang (1 koin x 9 paylines = 9 uang). Sedikit yang benar-benar indah kira-kira port saya adalah bahwa pemain dapat kehilangan di antara subjek di klik dari sebuah saklar.

My Port menunjukkan menjadi port klip video yang benar-benar unik yang dikembangkan untuk menembus seluruh lokasi port klip video yang saat ini diatur dari hasrat. Pemain tidak perlu lagi menangkap subyek port klip video yang sudah terbentuk sebelumnya – saat ini mereka mungkin memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan port klip video pribadi mereka sesuai dengan desain pribadi mereka.

Cara-cara untuk Mendapatkan akses ke Sbobet Mobile Gunakan Sbobet Perwakilan

Tempat perjudian mobile menyenangkan dan mudah untuk mainkan semua tempat perjudian Sbobet favourite Kamu. Kamu harus pahami langkah untuk menghasilkan akun dan masuk ke game video menggunakan ponsel Kamu. Patuhi halaman ini untuk pahami tindakan dengan detil untuk menghasilkan akun untuk bermain di perusahaan perjudian mobile.

Aplikasi mobile Sbobet memungkinkan Kamu untuk bertaruh dan memenangkan games video dengan mudah. Fans betting akan bahagia menggunakan ponsel Sbobet karena mereka ingin berpartisipasi dalam pekerjaan olahraga betting setiap waktu dan darimanakah saja. Ponsel pintar dengan akses situs dapat membuat pekerjaan ini lebih mudah. Tapi, pahami langkah yang cocok untuk menghasilkan login dengan perusahaan perjudian mobile dan nikmati.

Tindakan Terkait dengan Masuk Langsung ke Mobile Sbobet

Ambil iPhone, tab, atau HP android Kamu untuk mainkan tempat perjudian mobile Sbobet. Ini adalah kemauan penting dari Sbobet untuk luluskan gamer mendapatkan akses ke video game perjudian mereka.
Dapatkan akses ke situs situs Sbobet m. Sbobet. com di peramban situs mobile Kamu dan menghasilkan login dengan nama pengguna dan kata sandi. Rekatkan id yang disediakan dan jangan awalan www.
Pergilah ke nama pengguna di menu demikian Kamu masuk ke situs situs. Id perseorangan ini dapat diperoleh dari situs situs perwakilan Sbobet yang dapat diandalkan. Isi kata sandi untuk melanjutkan ke halaman berikut.
Saat ini, Kamu akan diletakkan ke, dan Kamu dapat mengklik kotak masuk untuk mencari pesan yang meminta Kamu untuk memodifikasi kata sandi Kamu. Ini letakkan peserta baru, dan orang lain dapat memperoleh akses ke halaman penting.
Kamu dapat mendaftar menggunakan WECHAT, WhatsApp, LINE, BBM, atau perbincangan online. Setelah Kamu mendapatkan id perseorangan jadi pesan atau surat, Kamu dapat menggunakannya untuk uang muka dan mulai bersenang-senang.

Saat ini, Kamu pahami cara-cara masuk ke Sbobet untuk mainkan usaha perjudian mobile. Tapi jadi perhatian adalah yang bergantung pada perwakilan dan bagaimana Kamu bisa memahaminya untuk mendapatkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi.

Apa Ini Wajar Untuk Menghadapi Gudang Serta Pembayaran Pada Video game poker Online?

Apa ini wajar untuk menghadapi kampiun serta pecundang dalam games video poker online! Kami telah memperoleh semua informasi pakar yang Kamu perlukan!

Saat ini terkait dengan bersenang-senang poker online, kebanyakan orang pada akhirnya inginkan jejak dalam. Mereka ingin tahu beberapa cara menghadapi yang peluang gede bakal menang, diluar itu peluang gede bakal ditumpahkan. Bila Kamu punya ketertarikan pada makin banyak informasi mengenai peluang masuk pokerjenius, ini bermakna jika Kamu punya ketertarikan pada point yang persis sama. Apa Kamu ingin lakukan bank pada beberapa gamer lain, atau punya potensi untuk memakai info dengan ketentuan sendiri, peluang gede ini ialah tipe informasi yang ingin Kamu punya.

Akan tetapi, sebab Kamu kemungkinan punya potensi untuk menggambar, enggak ada titik seperti jalan keluar gampang untuk permasalahan ini. Saat yang sama, ada banyak komponen penting untuk permasalahan yang kami yakini patut untuk diingat.

Dapatkah satu orang menghadapi kampiun serta pecundang dalam poker online?
Tentunya, ada jumlah khusus dari ketidakpastian yang dapat kita pakai. Diluar itu, poker online dipastikan oleh kesempatan. Kesempatan ini diidentifikasi oleh beberapa komponen. Penyelidikan, mengecek, serta pada akhirnya mengerti peluang-peluang ini bisa jamin peluang yang tambah tinggi dari kemenangan. Saat yang sama, satu orang harus juga ingat jika enggak ada titik seperti agunan. Kamu bisa punya ide yang kompak dari komponen-komponen yang memengaruhi kesempatan dari games tangan atau video khusus, tetapi Kamu peluang gede enggak bakal pahami apa saja yang tentu. Gamer yang trampil enggak bisa mengingat ini dalam beberapa masalah.

Kurangi beberapa kartu yang masih ada di geladak dari apa yang Kamu punya di tangan Kamu, serta kemudian membagi angka itu dengan keseluruhnya macam yang ditawarkan dalam video game bakal memberikan Kamu tanda tajam dari apa yang peluang gede Kamu punya. harus dikerjakan untuk menang. Bukannya, ini bakal memberikan Kamu tanda dari kesempatan menang atau menang. Bila Kamu ingin punya pengalaman paling baik yang wajar dengan peluang masuk pokerjenius ini, ini ialah salah esa aspek khusus yang butuh diperhitungkan untuk dilihat.

Beberapa Komponen lain yang Butuh Dipertahankan Dengan Kesempatan poker online
Jelas, banyak komponen mengubah peluang Kamu menjadi efisien. Cari tahu mengenai beberapa lawan Kamu dari muka tentu bisa kerja, tapi ini tentunya suatu hal yang enggak bakal tetap bisa Kamu kerjakan. Usai dari hari itu, pilihan paling baik Kamu menjadi efisien jadi gamer poker online untuk lakukan apa saja yang wajar pada Kamu menjadi gamer wajar paling baik. Ini bermakna menjaga kendalikan diri yang kompak jadi satu orang gamer, mengerti kapan harus menggertak, kapan harus bermain kuat, serta beberapa komponen yang lain. Bila Kamu bisa mengerti beberapa poin ini, apabila Kamu bisa membuat cenderung untuk mencatat apa saja yang berlangsung dengan video game, Kamu peluang gede bakal masuk ke tiap video game yang disiapkan atau menyerahkan kesempatan suport Kamu ke tingkat yang relevan.

Ini penting untuk memandang poker online jadi entitas dengan 2 bagian. Esa bagian mengatasi potensi. Yang sebaliknya bakal tawarkan seutuhnya kemampuan dari peluang, atau kesempatan dari esa hasil atau esa . Memandang jika poker online selanjutnya keduanya dari beberapa poin ini bakal jamin Kamu mengoptimalkan kesempatan masuk pokerjenius Kamu.

Manfaat Mengkonsumsi Daun Ketubar Untuk Kesehatan Kalian Para gamers

Tidak cuma meningkatkan aroma hidangan makanan, daun ketumbar dapat juga berguna untuk kesehatan badan.

Daun ini datang dari tumbuhan bernama latin Coriandrum sativum. Biji dari tumbuhan ini disebutkan ketumbar yang biasanya jadikan bumbu masak.

Beberapa negara di Asia sering memakai ketumbar dalam macam sajiannya seperti kari.
Tumbuhan yang sering dikatakan sebagai ‘peterseli China’ ini dikenal juga serbaguna. Tumbuhan diketahui kaya bakal nutrisi serta sudah dipakai jadi obat herbal lama.

Berikut faedah daun ketumbar, mencuplik beberapa sumber.

1. Memberikan nutrisi mata
Daun ketumbar kaya bakal kandungan vitamin C. Dalam tiap 28 gr daun tersaji seputar 7,6 miligram vitamin C. Angka ini sama dengan 13 % keperluan vitamin C harian.

Mencuplik situs Healing Plant Foods, vitamin C menolong badan membuat serta jaga jaringan ikat, seperti diantaranya kolagen pada kornea.

Nutrisi berguna lain yang diketemukan dalam daun ini ialah senyawa beta karoten. Senyawa ini dapat dibuktikan bisa membuat perlindungan mata dari degradasi makula berkaitan umur yang mengakibatkan hilangnya pandangan pusat.

2. Menahan penyakit jantung
Ketumbar sudah dapat dibuktikan bisa turunkan kandungan cholesterol serta trigliserida pada tubuh. Keduanya didapati jadi beberapa dari unsur penyebab penyakit jantung.

Satu riset yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology temukan jika ketumbar bisa menahan kerusakan oksidatif sebagai unsur efek masalah jantung.

3. Menangani permasalahan menstruasi
Baik biji atau daun ketumbar sudah lama dipakai jadi obat rumahan untuk membuat lancar menstruasi. Tumbuhan ini menolong mengendalikan peranan kelenjar endokrin dan hormon yang terjebak dalam menstruasi.

Diluar itu, tumbuhan disebutkan bisa menolong kurangi kram serta kembung waktu menstruasi.

4. Memperhatikan kesehatan kulit
Tumbuhan ketumbar didapati memiliki kandungan karakter antiseptik, antijamur, detoksifikasi, serta anti-oksidan yang bisa membuat perlindungan kulit dari infeksi jamur, kekeringan, serta eksim.

Daun ketumbar didapati memiliki kandungan linolenat, senyawa anti-oksidan yang bisa menahan badan dari bermacam infeksi.

Mencuplik Medlife, senyawa ini menolong jaga kulit dari peradangan serta membuat kulit masih cerah.
5. Jaga tulang masih kuat
Ketumbar mempunyai sumber kalsium yang kaya. Ini membuat ketumbar pas dipakai untuk memperhatikan kesehatan tulang.

Seperti didapati, kalsium bertindak penting dalam jaga tulang masih sehat serta menahan osteoporosis.

Walau daun ketumbar mempunyai bermacam faedah, Kamu butuh waspada dengan resikonya yang dibuat. Pemakaian daun ketumbar berlebihan dapat memunculkan reaksi alergi.

Acara Paling Langkah Di indonesia Yaitu Indonesia Gaming Awards

Gelaran convention gaming serta esports bertopik “EXGCon 2019” selesai diadakan akhir minggu lalu (13-15 Desember 2019). Bermacam acara hebat seperti dari Scavenger Hunt, Meet and Greet, Cosplay Parade, Experience Zona serta tentunya tempat berprestise penghargaan Indonesia Gaming Award 2019 sebagai fokus perhatian insan esports tanah air.

“Setelah melalui proses yang lumayan panjang, dari mulai seleksi nominasi yang di dukung oleh beberapa panelis sampai voting online yang diikuti lebih dari beberapa puluh ribu simpatisan, kami mengharap Indonesia Gaming Award nanti bisa ikut tingkatkan kualitas serta menggerakkan perubahan industri gaming di Indonesia.” Papar Alex Wijaya, Business Director Famous Allstars.

Indonesia Gaming Awards 2019 (IGA 2019) mendatangkan 11 kelompok penghargaan jadi bentuk animo untuk insan industri gaming tanah air. Popularitas Mobile Legends kelihatannya masih begitu kuat untuk ditandingi game-game lain. Tidak cuma dipilih jadi most favourite game of the year, moment franchise mereka yang sempat memetik masalah, Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) juga dipilih jadi most favourite tournament of the year.

Team Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ) sukses mendapatkan dua penghargaan berprestise jadi most favourite esports tim of the year serta pemain Mobile Legends andalannya, Muhammad “Lemon” Ikhsan yang dipilih jadi favourite player of the year.

Popularitas Mobile Legends juga kelihatannya masih begitu kuat untuk ditandingi game-game lain. Tidak cuma dipilih jadi most favourite game of the year, moment franchise mereka yang sempat memetik masalah, Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) juga dipilih jadi most favourite tournament of the year.

Garena Indonesia sukses menyapu nominasi most favourite game penerbit/publisher of the year karena game andalannya Free Fire serta CODM yang terakhir terus naik, sedang most favourite game developer of the year diberi untuk Tencent. Caster Riantoro “Pasta” Yogi yang karirnya melejit karena event-event internasional PUBG Mobile seperti PINC serta PMCO sukses dikukuhkan jadi most favourite caster of the year.

Youtuber kenamaan yang baru-baru saja resmikan Tokyo Gaming Ruang, Reza “Arap” Oktovian dipilih jadi most favourite gaming creator of the year. Surprise berlangsung saat cosplayer cantik, Punipun sukses menaklukkan nominasi yang lain seperti Lola Zieta serta Larissa Rochefort serta dipilih jadi cosplayer terfavorit. ASUS ROG sukses mendapatkan penghargaan untuk kelompok most favourite hardware and gaming peripherals of the year. Sedang esa nominasi yang lain yang tidak kalah berprestise, most favourite gaming media of the year sukses direngkuh Revival TV.

Peraih Penghargaan Indonesia Gaming Awards 2019
Pembuat content game paling favorite tahun ini: Reza Oktovian
Cosplayer paling favorite tahun ini: Punipun
Kastor paling favorite tahun ini: Gan Pasta
Piranti keras serta periferal games paling favorite tahun ini: Asus ROG
Kompetisi paling favorite tahun ini: MPL
Pengembang game paling favorite tahun ini: Tencent
Penerbit game paling favorite tahun ini: Garena
Media game paling favorite tahun ini: Revival TV
Team Esports paling favorite tahun ini: RRQ
Pemain paling favorite tahun ini: Lemon
Game paling favorite tahun ini: Mobile Legend

Beberapa juara itu adalah hasil seleksi lebih dari 50 panelis dan online voting yang sudah diadakan sepanjang 20 hari lewat web serta account media sosial sah dari EXGCon. Proses online voting itu ditutup pada tanggal 30 November lalu dengan keseluruhan vote lebih dari 25.000.

Selamat untuk semua juara Indonesia Gaming Award 2019!

Dampak Game Online Bagi Generasi Zaman Now

Kita ketahui bersama dengan jika game ialah suatu hal yang bisa kita mainkan dengan ketentuan khusus yang dibikin, dengan ketentuan itu bila kita mematuhinya karena itu kita dapat menang sedang bila ketentuan itu dilanggar karena itu kita bakal kalah. Jaman saat ini game berbasiskan online jadi terkenal, game online ini dimainkan lewat media elektronik yang tersambung pada jaringan internet. Game online ialah type games yang manfaatkan jaringan computer (internet) jadi medianya. Game online lebih persisnya dikatakan sebagai satu tehnologi dibanding jadi satu jenis atau type games, satu proses untuk menyambungkan pemain bersama dengan dibanding skema khusus dalam satu games.

Bermain game online dapat membuat kita belajar ikuti petunjuk. Dari mulai langkah untuk bermain s/d kerjakan beberapa jenis quest yang ada saat main game online membuat kita terlatih ikuti petunjuk atau perintah. Ini dapat membuat kita jadi pribadi yang lebih taat pada perintah, baik yang hadir dari guru atau orang-tua.

Bermain game online dapat juga membuat kita berusaha untuk mengakhiri satu permasalahan dengan nalar. Waktu kita main game online, tentunya ada quest atau persoalan khusus yang tuntut kita untuk mengakhirinya dengan nalar. Dengan main game online tanpa ada kita sadari, kita telah belajar untuk membuat nalar kita dengan mengakhiri beberapa permasalahan itu dengan pikirkan jalan keluarnya sebaik-baiknya untuk memperoleh hasil yang paling optimal.

Kelebihan main game online ialah membuat potensi untuk kerjakan banyak hal sekaligus juga serta ikuti variabel yang beralih dan mengurus beberapa arah. Jadi contoh, saat kita main game online serta watak kecintaan kita terserang oleh pemain yang lain, kita belajar menjadi sefleksibel kemungkinan hadapi serangan lawan yang bermacam. Enggak kemungkinan kan kita berperang secara sama hadapi beberapa kelas yang ada kan? Jadi kita dapat belajar menjadi fleksibel saat hadapi beberapa permasalahan di dunia konkret.

Game online bawa efek gede khususnya pada perubahan anak atau mental mereka, umumnya yang mainkan game online ini ialah beberapa golongan pelajar yakni SD, SMP, serta SMA serta sampai golongan mahasiswa atau anak kuliah. Pelajar yang seringkali mainkan game online ini tentunya jadi suka yang membuat mereka sampai lupa waktu serta bila mereka begitu ketertarikan dengan game online ini ada yang sampai lupa makan. Seperti kita tahu jika game online pasti juga ada efek tertentu, efek ini dapat berbentuk positif atau negatif buat si pemain game online ini, ada banyak efek positif serta negatif bermain game online diantaranya:

Efek Positif :

Tingkatkan konsentrasi

Potensi konsentrasi pemain game online bakal bertambah sebab mereka harus mengakhiri beberapa pekerjaan, cari sela yang kemungkinan dapat dilalui serta memantau jalannya games. Makin susah satu game karena itu makin dibutuhkan tingkat konsentrasi yang tinggi.

Tingkatkan pengaturan di antara tangan serta mata

Satu riset menerangkan jika bermain game online bisa tingkatkan pengaturan di antara mata serta tangan. Sebab saat bermain, gamer menggabungkan di antara gerakan tangan serta mata akar tersinkron.

Tingkatkan potensi membaca/berbahasa.

Sebab game online sediakan versus beberapa bahasa, karena itu main game menolong beberapa pemainnya bisa mengerti esa bahasa dalam bahasa lain. Gamers condong memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang lebih baik walau enggak ambil pelatihan pada saat sekolah atau kuliah. Ini sebab banyak jalan cerita yang dikisahkan dalam bahasa inggris serta terkadang mereka chat dengan pemain lain dari beberapa negara.

Tingkatkan pengetahuan mengenai computer

Agar bisa nikmati games dengan nyaman serta kualitas gambar yang sempurna satu orang peman game online bakal berupaya cari info mengenai detail computer serta koneksi internet yang bisa dipakai untuk mainkan game itu. Sebab pemakai computer aktif umumnya mereka bakal belajar troubleshooting computer.

Tingkatkan potensi menulis

Potensi menulis pastinya bertambah sebab mereka memakai keyboard serta mouse untuk mengatur games.

Efek Negatif :

Menyusutnya Publikasi

Game online membuat ketagihan sebab dalam game dituntut untuk lakukan beberapa hal supaya enggak ketinggalan dengan orang lain, dengan tuntutan semuanya si pemain umumnya makin banyak mengambil alih waktu game yang kamu gemari, serta mengakibatkan enggak ada rasa ingin bermain dengan beberapa anak lain serta cuma nikmati kesendirian depan game itu. Ini bisa menyebabkan negatif buat pergaulannya.

Susah Berkonsentrasi

Untuk anak yang alami ketagihan game online, membuat mereka sulit berkonsentrasi dalam pelajaran. Ini dikarenakan fikirannnya tetap ingin bermain game serta ingin selekasnya pulang bermain game bersama dengan rekan-rekan gamenya. Ini pasti berefek jelek buat hari esok mereka. Ketagihan game online juga mempunyai step yang beragam. Minimnya perhatian dari keluarga membuat satu orang gamer lebih mudah terjun serta nikmati bermain game.

Susah Berekspresi serta Berhubungan

Dengan terlatih berhubungan esa arah yakni depan monitor saja, membuat mereka susah berhubungan serta bakal temukan waktu susah untuk mengekspresikan diri kita, dengan otak mereka yang populer benar-benar gesit, aktif, serta penuh ekplorasi dikit demi sedikit bakal tumpul jika kehidupannya cuma dalam esa ruang saja sebab hubungan sosial tingkatkan kecerdasan.

Lupa Dengan Semua Hal

Kadang gamer enggak tahu efek kekurangan makan, minum, serta kekurangan olahraga bisa mengakibatkan tubuh gampang terserang penyakit tapi bisa orang itu suka makan, tetap minimnya kegiatan yang dikerjakan badan berefek kurang fit di waktu depannya sebab kurang lancarnya metabolisme badan. Radiasi yang dipancarkan monitor dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan mata dan saraf, ini dapat dibuktikan seringkali didapati pemain games yang seringkali memakai kacamata.

Dunia internet berkembang demikian cepat. Enggak cuma untuk searching serta berhubungan melalui situs media sosial, kedatangan internet digunakan jadi fasilitas bermain game dengan bertepatan (multiplayer) lewat game online. Kejadian yang bisa kita lihat sekarang ialah di sejumlah warnet biasanya kelihatan dipenuhi dengan golongan pelajar yang tidak nantinya tetap hadir untuk habiskan waktunya bermain game online serta kadang mereka ikhlas untuk enggak masuk sekolah (bolos) cuma untuk bermain game online.

Jumlahnya game online yang bisa dibuka oleh anak membuat makin banyak dampak negatif pada perubahan anak, dalam soal ini peranan orangtua dalam penentuan game online yang sesuai kepribadian anak serta umur anak benar-benar dibutuhkan. Pilih game online yang pas sesuai dengan umur serta anak bisa memakai pikirannya untuk bermain hingga bisa mempertajam otak anak. Orang-tua sebaiknya memberi pandangan buat anak supaya enggak mnghabiskan waktu cuma untuk bermain game online, serta memberi pandangan jika pekerjaan anak ialah belajar, sedang game online cuma untuk fasilitas hiburan. Jangan sering bermain game sebab bisa membuat kita ketagihan. Butuh terdapatnya pengawasan dari orang-tua supaya si anak dapat mengelola waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya serta terciptanya generasi muda yang berprestasi.

Real Madrid Blokir Atletico Madrid Untuk Dapat James Rodriguez

Nama James Rodriguez telah di kaitkan dengan kepindahan sang pemain ke Atletico Madrid. Namun sayangnya hal tersebut membuat pemilik sang pemain yakni Real Madrid menolak untuk melepas pemain asal Kolombia ke rival. Alasan dari Real yang tidak ingin menjual James Rodriguez ke Atletico Madrid karena hal tersebut akan memperkuat rival mereka di La Liga menjadi lebih kuat.

Sebenarnya  James Rodriguez sudah tidak masuk rencana Madrid pada 2017 yang lalu. Kendati sang pemain kerap bermain bagus kala di turunkan pada pertandingan-pertandingan penting dari bangku cadangan. Hingga pada 2018 sang pemain di pinjamkan ke klub Bundes Liga Bayern Munchen selama dua musim. Bak seperti habis manis sepah di buang, Munchen mengingkari janji mereka untuk mempernanenkan mantan pemain AS Monaco itu.

Kini mau tidak mau James sendiri harus segera kembali ke Santiago Barnabue, dan sang pemain sendiri juga masih terikat kontrak hingga 2021 mendatang yang membuatnya harus bertahan selama dua musim lagi jika pada akhirnya ia belum mendapatkan klub baru pada musim ini.

Real Madrid sendiri memang sudah memutuskan untuk memasukan nama James Rodrigues dalam daftar jual klub bersama Gareth Bale. Sayangnya hingga kini belum ada klub yang bersedia menampung pemain berusia 28 tahun ini. Meski mantan pelatihnya Carlo Ancelotti tertarik untuk memakai jasanya.

Akan tetapi akhir-akhir ini  Atletico Madrid yang merupakan rival sekota Real Madrid mencoba untuk mendekati James Rodriguez. Terlebih melihat sang pemain yang sudah tidak di butuhkan oleh klub.  Namun Presiden Real Madrid, Florentino Perez dikabarkan menolak langkah Atletico untuk mendatangkan pemainnya itu. Mereka merasa jika melepas James Rodriguez ke Wanda Metropolitano hanya akan memperkuat sang rival.

Masih dari AS, mereka kembali menambahkan jika Real Madrid hanya berkemungkinan melepas sang pemain ke Napoli. Mengingat I Parteinopei itu memang sudah santer dikaitkan dengan pemain bernomor 10 ini. Sayang langkah Napoli untuk mendapatkan servis James harus menemui kendala. Sebab gaji sang pemain dinilai terlalu tinggi sehingga klub akan terlebih dahulu melepas beberapa pemain untuk mendapatkan dana guna mendaratkan sang pemain ke Naples.



Two Old Games That Can Be Successful If Used As A Mobile Version

Lately there have been a lot of mobile games that have been picked up from PC games that were booming in the 2000s, say Ragnarok. Actually besides Ragnarok, there are still many other games in the 2000s that are no less cool. Here is an old game that might be booming if the mobile version is made.

First is Rising Force (RF). This game is an MMORPG game with cool 3D graphics. Formerly this game was really cool. This game tells about the fight of three nations, namely the nation of Accretia (Nation of robots), the nation of Bellato (Nation of midget humans), and the three nations of CORA (Nation of elves). This game is very exciting, besides showing good graphics in its time, the war between nations to destroy control chips is also very interesting. If raised into the mobile version, maybe this game will be booming like Ragnarok.

The second game is Nexia. Who doesn’t know the pioneers of MMORPG games in Indonesia? Especially if it’s not Nexia. even though the graphics carried are still retro (8bit), but the fun offered by this game is very pleasant. Many players in his era were willing to skip school just to play this game. Most likely this game will be booming if it is lifted into the mobile version.

There are two old games that might be successful if they are appointed to the mobile version. If you have ever played any games?

Best Handgun In PUBG Pc Or Mobile

Of all types of weapons in PUBG Mobile, a gun may be underestimated. There are weapons from the SMG and shotgun categories that can still be useful until the end of the game. (UMP and Vector with full modification for SMG, S12K for shotgun). But a gun?

When your enemies are likely to be protected with a minimum of armor and level 2 helmets, using a gun in battle feels difficult.

But the PUBG Mobile pistols still have their own advantages. At the beginning of the game, when your enemy might not use armor, these weapons can still be relied on to survive.

So, which PUBG Mobile pistol is reliable?

If you look carefully at the information in the Armory, you will find that the R1895 has great power.

But like most weapons that use 7.62mm bullets, you will find that this weapon recoil is quite heavy.

Oh, the modifications that you can give to this weapon are also just silencers. You can’t use the red dot’s help to shoot enemies more accurately.

You also can’t add extended magazine attachments to add bullets. (Because yes, it’s not a magazine using a magazine).

Don’t get me wrong, the R1895 can kill enemies steadily if used correctly.

But for this type of gun (the accuracy of which is all less reliable), the limitations of modification, the limitation of the bullet, and the heavy recoil of the R1895 can get you killed even in a gunfight.

Don’t forget if you refill the bullet, the R1895 must be filled one by one. If your bullet runs out when you are dealing with an enemy, surely you will be killed.

Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Guide : Monthly Card

If you play Ragnarok Online Classic on a PC, you will remember where you have to buy a voucher to play the game. In Ragnarok M: Eternal Love you will be reminded of the memories again but with new functions. You can gain exlusive service whenusing Monthly Card.

The following is a list of functions of the Monthly Card:

Free Exclusive Headgear every month.

Warp service to all folders.

Free Rank B food every day.

Can see when Miniboss respawn on MVP Board.

Auto skill slot +1.

+30 inventory slots.

Unlimited Chain Use.

Rice Ball that is obtained from a pet becomes doubled (8x Meatball).

Proof of glory + 10% income.

Open premium Workplace: Kafra Company (Pet Labor).

Pet can work more than one place at a time (Pet Labor).

The use of shared storage is not protected by Level.

And here are some things to note about the Monthly Card:

You can buy a monthly card directly through the System Shop.

Every maximum character can only buy a 3x Monthly Card in one month Via the System Shop.

The Monthly Card Effect is only for one character, not one account.

Monthly Cards can be sold at Market.


So if you want to level up and grinding zenny easily, you need to buy Monthly Card. Happy Hunting !

3 Days Released – Ragnarok Eternal Love Reach Top Chart Download

All game players may already know about Ragnarok games. Since its presence in 2002 ago, this game managed to attract a lot of attention from world game players. Because it is so popular, this game even managed to rank first online game in its era.

Seeing its success, many private server game publishers are trying to open a private server ragnarok. But only a few last long in the world gaming market.

Over time, Ragnarok online began to enter the mobile platform. A few days ago, Gravity as the developer of Ragnarok has just released a new game called Ragnarok Online Eternal Love.

Only 3 days later, this game successfully topped the most download charts in the PlayStore and App Store. Even the income earned by the game developer has reached millions of dollars in just a few days.

Ragnarok Online Eternal Love has a different style of playing with the PC version. There are many elements of the game that we will not find on the PC version, for example, the auto battle system until the rift fixing system is very exciting.

To play this game, you need to prepare 8GB of storage. There are many updates that will be made by game developers to maintain the balance of the game. For those of you who want to download and feel the excitement of playing this game, you can download it on the Google Play Store and also the Apple APP Store. Happy Gaming.

Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Guide : Market And Exchange

Welcome to fair trading system. Before discussing the system more deeply, this game has no trade between players, all buying and selling can only be done in the market and all the prices of the regulating system.

For those who still like to call this Auction, please stop because the Auction System is on its own.

Market can be found in every city, almost all the NPCs are the same as drawn. Use this feature to sell and buy your hunting needs.

In the market, economic law applies, so that if the goods <demand, then the price of the item will rise and vice versa. If you are good at economics, you can also do business items here

Inside the market will be divided into 3 tabs, Buy, Sell, and History. Each tab will be explained in detail in the next topic.

The appearance is quite straight forward. Amount on sales means the number of items in the market now, and Inventory means the number of items in your current inventory.

You will only be given 8 slot places to sell goods in the market (except Whitesmith can increase the number of slots). Keep in mind, the market tax is 9%.

If you sell an item and don’t sell it for 24 hours, the item you sell will expire, and if you still intend to sell it then you have to pay back taxes so that it can appear in the market within 24 hours.

Then if the items you sell are rare / unique / are in many requests, Flash Sale will apply (will be explained later).

Note: For equipment that can be sold only Craft, Drop Rift, Miniboss and Drop MVP equipment.

As I mentioned before, if you sell items that are Rare or have lots of requests but there are few stocks, Flash Sale will be applied. Many still say that Flash Sale is a bidding process. But unlike the bidding process mentioned.

If you buy a Flash Sale item, you will be included in the prospective buyer queue. Case example if there are only 5 items in the market and there are 100 potential buyers, then your chance of winning is only 5%. And of the 100 people only 5 people got those 5 items.

How and who determines the winner of the Flash Sale? What determines is the system that takes the winner in Random or Random.

So remember yes, not who buys at the end of time will win, but your 100% luck is tested here.

Tip: For Flash Sale items like material, you can increase the success of Flash Sale by buying more than one in one Flash Sale period.

Most Popular Boss In Ragnarok Online

In playing MMORPG games, to raise the level of course we have to kill a number of monsters to gain experience, as well as the Ragnarok Online game. The Korean game which slid in 2002 was indeed a very popular game to date.

To raise the level in the Ragnarok Online game, we are required to kill monsters and take the experience of the monsters we kill. The monsters that will be faced also vary, ranging from normal monsters that we can find throughout our game, to powerful bosses who will only spawn every few hours. The following is the most famous boss in the game Ragnarok Online.

1. Baphomet

This boss symbolizes destruction. The boss in the form of a giant big goat carrying this sickle became the boss who was highly targeted by the Ragnarok players. Besides having a cool shape, Baphomet also has very tempting drop items like Baphomet Helm and Baphomet Card.

2. Lord of Death

As the name implies, this boss is the king of the undead. He was a knight who used a white horse and carried a large shield and spear. This boss is always a target because he has tantalizing drop items such as Ice Pick and Lord of Death Card.

3. Dark Lord

This boss is the king of eternal darkness. He has loyal men named Dark Illusion. The most wanted item from the Dark Lord is his card. The Dark Lord Card has the auto effect of level 10 Meteor Storm skill.

4. Eddga

Wow, if this boss is very identical to the city of Payon. Drops are most often used by players with Pipe, which is a large cigar that is very cool and macho! Besides that, Eddga Card is also being hunted by the players because it has the Endure auto skill effect.

5. Valkryie

This boss is a very strong boss. It has ASPD and also a huge attack damage. But many people are looking for this boss because the drops is very cool and useful like a Valkyrie set and also Card.

Godly Item In Ragnarok Online

In the Ragnarok Online game, there are several items that fall into the GODLY item category. The equipment has a very terrible use so it is called a god inheritance. What are these items?

1. Sleipnir

This item is the shoe used by the god Odin. In this shoe, there is a terrible force. For anyone wearing shoes will get an additional 20% Max HP and also SP and get Mdef +10 points and also def +5 points. In addition, users will also get an additional 15 SP regenerations every second. This shoe also gives the user maximum speed of movement.

2. Mjolnir

This hammer is a replica of the hammer used by the god Thor. This hammer has god power in it. This hammer will provide an additional 40 points of Dex and 15 points for STR. In addition, users will also get additional attack speed when using this weapon.

3. Brisingamen
This item is a duplication of the necklace worn by the goddess Freya. This necklace will give additional Str, Agi, Int, Vit +6 points and also Luk +10 points. In addition, users will also get an additional MDEF of 5 points.

4. Meginjard

If asked what accessories are the most powerful, maybe the answer is Meginjard. This item is an item used by Thor to get terrible strength. This item will provide an additional 40 STR and also MDEF +7. In addition, if the user has a total STR of 120 points, it will add damage to boss monsters by 10%.

Joker And Hailey Queen Finally Come To PUBG Steam

The most famous Battle Royale game today, PUBG (Uknown Battleground Player) has finally released very unique content. The game developer presented skin Joker and Harley Quinn from DC Comic.

The developer deliberately presents the content to satisfy the wishes of DC fans in the world. But keep in mind, to get this limited edition skin, there are prices that must be paid by the players.

For Harley Quinn skin, players must spend 24.99 USD or around 350,000 rupiahs, while for Joker it has a cheaper price of 19.99 USD.

The two skins that are presented are very similar to the character of the eyebrows, ranging from clothing, hairstyles to the style displayed is very identical.

Harley Quinn is wearing a very iconic Daddy’s Lil Monster outfit with colorful hair and a large baseball bat.

As for skin Joker, green hair and cool nightclub clothes are very identical to the original character.

This skin can be purchased since November 7 yesterday. These two skins also have an official license from DC that does not violate copyright. Unfortunately the skin is only present on PUBG STEAM and is not yet available for the mobile version.

So don’t wait to long, grap them fast and beat every enemy with cool costume from DC Comic. Let’s have some fun dude !

Mantap Kali – Cukup Mantap – Mantap Betul

Kata-kata diatas merupakan kata-kata dari seorang youtubers yang baru saja naik daun belakang ini.Dengan menyediakan konten yang sangat menarik dan juga menghibur pastinya sangat disukai oleh para masyarakat di indonesia.Hal itulah yang membuat pria asal Medan,Sumatera Utara ini menjadi bintang baru di industri tanah air.

Dengan nama yang sering dikenal dan juga didengar adalah Mael Lee atau dengan slogan yang sering digunakan bukan kaleng-kaleng ini.

Dengan menyajikan konten menjadi seorang preman terkuat dibumi yang tidak bisa dikalahkan atau ditembus oleh baja sekalipun.

Membuatnya lebih dikenal bahkan diakun youtubenya sudah memiliki jutaan subscriber.mael lee pertama-tama menjadi terkenal lewat akun instagramnya yang sering memposting seputar video-video lucu dengan jangka pendek.

Namun video-video yang sering dirinya upload ke instagram tiba-tiba disukai oleh para masyarakat Indonesia.

Hingga saat itulah kebanyakan video yang disiarkannya di akun instagramnya mulai diambil oleh beberapa orang dan disiarkan diyoutube channel miliki orang lain yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Nah videonya diambil dan dimasukkan ke youtube pun banyak sekali yang menonton dan menyukainya.

Lalu dirinya juga berminat untuk membuat akun youtube miliknya yang asli dan menyebarkan video yang dirinya buat langsung ke youtube channel miliknya.

Tidak lama kemudian banyak sekali orang yang menonton dan juga membuat subscribenya hanya dengan hitungan bulan saja sudah menginjak angka 3 jutaan.

Wah hal tersebut bisa dikatakan sangat gila bahkan mustahil untuk kita ikuti.Karena banyak sekali artis yang membuat akun youtube,

Namun untuk mendapatkan subscribe 1 juta pun harus menunggu waktu hingga satu tahun.Hal tersebut bisa kita berikan selamat untuk dirinya yang bisa mendapatkan hal tersebut dengan sangat mudahnya.

Nah berikut ini merupakan beberapa hal yang pastinya bisa membenarkan bahwa mael lee merupakan preman terkuat,sebagai berikut ini :

1.Laris Pesanan Endorse

Setelah memutuskan berhenti bekerja sebagai sopir, Maell Lee kemudian memilih untuk menekuni dunia digital. Hal itu bermula ketika dirinya sering menonton konten-konten video di Instagram. Dia kemudian menganggap bahwa itu adalah sebuah peluang. Hingga akhirnya Maell Lee mencoba membuat konten video jenaka.

Tak disangka video-video yang dibuatnya menarik banyak orang. Tidak hanya memiliki jutaan pengikut, kini dia juga mendapat banyak pesanan endorse dalam bentuk video.

2.Preman Terkuat di Bumi

Maell Lee menyebut dirinya sebagai preman terkuat di bumi. Bukan tanpa alasan, dalam video-video yang dibuatnya, Maell Lee sering melakukan adegan-adegan yang menegangkan dan berbahaya.

Yang sering dilakukan adalah adegan melompat dari motor butut yang dikendarainya, terjatuh dari motor, hingga terjun ke sungai. Semua adegan itu benar-benar dilakukan tanpa menggunakan pengaman.

3.Kolaborasi dan Diundang di Beberapa Channel Youtube Artis

Video-video yang dibuat Mael Lee selalu menarik dan mengundang gelak tawa. Hal tersebut membuat beberapa selebriti untuk berkolaborasi. Tidak hanya itu, Maell Lee juga beberapa kali diundang dalam di beberapa channel youtube artis.

Di antara selebriti yang pernah berkolaborasi dan mengundang Maell Lee adalah Anji, Raffi Ahmad, Atta Halilintar, Young Lex, dan beberapa selebriti lainnya. Bahkan, Maell Lee juga pernah diundang dalam sebuah talk show di sebuah tv swasta.

Nah berikut itulah beberap hal yang pastinya membuat anda menjadikan bahwa mael lee merupakan preman terkuat dibumi yang pastinya memang dirinya paling kuat deh dibumi ini!!!


Hideo Kojima Will Tell Death Stranding Detail Soon

Ambitious and mysterious, it seems that this is the most appropriate word to describe the latest game from Hideo Kojima – Death Stranding. Kojima’s departure from Konami did not make him stop working, under the auspices of the Sony flag, now he seems to be free to pour various crazy ideas through his latest work.

But unfortunately, since 3 years from the announcement of the inaugural Death Stranding, Kojima still keeps the story and gameplay of the concoction game a secret. However, it is like a time bomb, sooner or later Death Stranding will still be released, and it seems that it is now getting closer to that moment.

The good news, tomorrow, May 29, Kojima will again announce the latest details of the concoction game. Of course we all hope about the presentation of the gameplay and the stories that will be presented, to further raise the tension of the hype, Kojima has also released 2 mysterious teasers.

The Death Stranding itself still remains without the release date, but one thing is certain, the game is only available exclusively for PlayStation 4.

Review Story Of Mortal Kombat 11 – More BRUTAL !

Already falling in love and growing up with Mortal Kombat since a long time ago, of course it didn’t become a barrier for us to play this eleventh series. Mortal Kombat 11 has arrived in hand and has given us a very positive initial impression. For those of you who have had the chance to read our first impressions, surely you have got an idea of ​​what NetherRealm Studios is actually offering in this one ambitious fighting game. And according to our previous promises, it has now arrived for us to give a discussion on Mortal Kombat 11 through this review.

Continuing the story of Mortal Kombat X, Earthrealm “once again” was saved thanks to Cassie Cage who had succeeded in replacing Shinnok. But of course the threat does not stop there, knowing Shinok has been defeated and Raiden managed to disrupt the balance between good & bad, the mother of Shinnok – Kronika intends to avenge her child while creating a new world, a world where he can rule according to his will.

To be able to do this, he needed 2 media, the missing crown and a device called hour glass. Of course he didn’t do the action himself, with the help of Liu Kang & Kitana who had been manipulated by darkness and with his ability to manipulate time, Kronika managed to bang the dimension of time so he could get help from fighters in the past.

This eventually made Raiden disappear in the future and brought fighters in the past into the future, including fighters who had died like Shao Khan. But fortunately, not only the fighters on the Kronika side were called, the younger versions of the fighters in the past who were still not manipulated, such as Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, and of course the young Raiden themselves were also called.

Although the “good” fighters got enough assistance, some of them had to face young and old versions of disputes that had different ideologies. For example, like the young Scorpion who is still burned with vengeance and anger, it sided with the Kronika and opposed Scorpion in the past.

Steam is ready to pay for hackers who can find cracks in the system

Steam is a platform that collects various types of games that we can play only through one application. Games available in the Steam application are paid and some are free. Many game developers today are marketing their games via Steam.

As we know, there is so much Steam users in the world. Steam itself is a product issued by Valve. Lately, there have been many dirty actions by hackers to try to break into their security systems. Seeing this, Valve is ready to pay the funds that are not small for hackers who can indeed find a gap to cheat in the Steam application.

Valve has provided payment for anyone who can find the gap, for content that has a low risk, they are ready to pay 200 USD, while for a high risk they are ready to pay up to 2000 USD. This value is not a fixed value, the riskier a gap is, the more money will be paid.

Gabe Newell, or familiarly called Lord Gaben, has issued 109,000 USD for HackerOne. HackerOne is a hacker community that aims to find a gap in a security system. They consist of pro hackers who are very adept at breaking down a security device.

Valve seems to be very serious in eradicating hackers, they also ask hackers to find loopholes in one of their mobile application systems, Steam Mobile.

The action from Valve seems success, as evidenced from time to time, the security that Steam has continued to increase. Steam is already well known for its speed in handling every problem, from bugs to hacker problems like what is currently being worked on.

PUBG New Map : Dihor Otok

The latest map for PUBG finally leaked. The latest PUBG map named Dihor Otok. This latest map shows a snowy and white area, in contrast to the previous map which takes the theme of the wilderness.

In this latest update, PUBG also added several new features such as a new weapon called a flare gun that can be used to drop airdrop. In addition, new vehicles will also be present on this map.

Dihor Otok is a very suitable map for playing AWP type weapons. There are lots of sniping positions, so for players who are skilled at playing AWP, this one map will be the best map for you.

Dihor Otok also has many high mountains which can be used as sniping points. Not only that, you can also explore, there are many buildings that can be explored.

Cool again, you will find a C4 bomb on this map. PUBG Corp also decided to add claymore in the game. Exclaims, isn’t it?

The building in this latest map will use medieval style. The combination of snowy environment with medieval buildings will certainly add excitement in playing PUBG.

Are you ready to fight on the Dihor Otok map? Prepare your weapons and ammunition and reach the Chicken Dinner on this latest map!

Heroes In Mobile Legends Who Look Familiar With Dota 2

Mobile Legends games are often referred to as plagiarism games, this is because many of the heroes in Mobile Legends imitate the heroes from other games, for example, Dota. Here are some Mobile Legends heroes that are similar to the heroes in Dota.

Franco has a form like a big and fat Viking clan. He has a weapon like a hammer and carrying a hook. The skill possessed by Franco is very effective for ganking. But behind Franco’s popularity, it turns out that this one hero is imitating the hero that is Dota 2, Pudge. Pudge also has the same interesting skill as Franco. Not to mention the similarity between Franco’s ultimate skill which is very identical to Pudge’s “Fresh Meat” or “Dismember”.

Balmond is a fighter that is usually played as a tank. He has very effective skills to eliminate the opponent’s minions. With the ultimate skill, Balmond can end opponents who have little HP. Balmond is also very similar to Axe, a hero in Dota2. Both of these heroes are both from the orcs and carry large axe weapons. Axe also has spinning and ultimate skills which are very identical to Balmond.

Alice is a mage hero who has a high level of durability. But this one hero is very similar to the hero in Dota 2 named Akasha or Queen of Pain. It’s just that the skills possessed are different, the similarity lies only in the form.

As with Alice, Miya is also a hero who is very similar to the hero in Dota 2 called Drow Ranger. The difference is that Miya is from an elf nation while Drow Ranger is from a dark elf nation. Miya and Drow Ranger similarity lies in the ability to shoot and its shape.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Released In PS4, XBOX One And Switch With HD Graphic

As we know, Final Fantasy XV has been released with chibi graphic for mobile, but now, this version also released in PS4, XBOX One and Nintendo Switch with some improvement, specially in graphic.

Final Fantasy is the most legendary series from Square Enix. This game made in one decade ( back in time, this game want to be released for PS 3 ). In last March 2018, this game finally anounced for PS4 and XBOX One.

So, how about the pocket edition of Final Fantasy XV ? For pocket edition, the graphic is more chibi, so it can be played so well in mobile devices. There is more than 10 chapter in pocket edition for free, but for the complete version, you need to pay some money for it.

Near soon, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition will come to PS4, XBOX One and Nintendo Switch with HD graphic. It’s a little bit confusing, this game was made for mobile, and now they made it for PS4, XBOX and Switch, how it can be ?

There is no different between mobile version with HD version. The only one which is make this game different only in the graphic, the other is still same. For mobile version, you can start for free but you need to pay if want to play the next chapter, but for the HD version, you need to pay first and then you can play the full chapter.

New Hero From AOV Leaked !

After Drivers, Yena and Enzo, it seems that AOV has not stopped releasing new heroes, which of course will be present for some time to come, it can take a long time, it seems that there are no clear leaks about when these heroes will be released soon, after 3 names We mentioned above, Tencent’s Arena of Valor has prepared another additional name that will accompany you in the Horizon Valley in 2019, maybe.

She is Brawler, there is no additional information about the clarity of this one hero, but again such leaks have been circulating on the Internet thanks to the Test Server feature provided by Tencent.

If we look at the existing appearance and symbol, with the symbol the Sword of a hero like this usually has a Warrior Class, but it is not clear whether it will occupy a Warrior / Tank or Warrior / Assassin role. This hero also has the ability to attack melee or melee attack. So yes, you can imagine that based on the leaked video revealed by Kurohiko .

In terms of the obvious appearance it will not be less adorable with Yena, of course, with this rather shaky gesture we will later be sure to be favored and loved by AOV players wherever they are.

Still from the human race, it seems that Tencent is still pursuing and likes to make and release heroes from the human race, the reason? because it’s cool? or more accepted in the micro market transaction? oops!

The Most Terrible Things In Games That Make You Shiver

The true game is a medium for us to have fun, but what happens if the game we play actually makes us afraid until it’s hard to sleep? Here are some scenes in the game that can make you shiver in fear.

1. Silent Hill P.T – Talking Fetus

Hideo Kojima’s stalled project is indeed very unfortunate. In this game trailer that we can play, we can feel all the elements of horror that exist, ranging from music, place, atmosphere, details to existing creatures capable of making us shudder in horror. One of the most disgusting and horrible parts is The Talking Fetus, where you will find a strange fetus that moves and speaks in a sink.

2. Max Payne – Max Payne hallucinations

How can action games make you scared? Maybe that’s what you have in mind right now. But there is one scene in this game that can make you shudder in horror. That was when Max Payne hallucinated. In this imagination, you will explore the repeated winding streets. Not only that, you can also hear disturbing strange sounds and baby cries that are very disturbing to ears. Here you can also get a scene where Max Payne’s wife and child are suffering.

3. The Evil Within – vs. Laura

This scene will certainly not be forgotten. How can you forget, in this scene, you are required to kill Laura, one of the monsters that runs like Sadako. The difference is, Laura walks in a giant iron cage and crawling. The form is also far more terrible than Sadako. The only way to kill him is to use firearms. But don’t expect this to be easy because Laura moves very fast. Not to mention the awful atmosphere of the place plus the silhouettes of surrounding objects exposed to light reflection adds to the horror of this scene.

4. Outlast Whistleblower’s – The Groom

Outlast horror games are already very well known for their horrific scene. Here you have to run and hide from a ferocious creature who likes to kill humans. Don’t think this game only presents scenes that make us surprised, here besides that you can also find the number of human corpses hanging and lying in positions already cut into pieces. If you are a coward, it’s better to stay away from this one game.

CAPCOM preparing Onimusha: Warlods Remaster

For those of you who have ps2 maybe a little bit familiar with Onimusha: Warlords game, right ? This game is one of the most popular game in Playstation 2. Back in time, the game won sales of approximately two million copies around the world. For you who is fans of this game, you need to be happy, why ? Because CAPCOM now is preparing Onimuisha: Warlods Remaster.

This game told about a samurai named Samanosuke Akechi and Kaede the ninja. They have a important mission to save Princess Yuki. The princess is taken by a demon army, so they need to rescue her from the evil hand.

Because this is remaster version, CAPCOM put a little improvisation, like puzzle or side story which can be played by gamers. CAPCOM also improving the graphic and the battle system. Another unique features is screen scroll mode, so you can play in rasio 16:9.

If you newbie in this game, you can play in easy mode, but if you already master at this game, you can choose another difficulty. This game is fun to play, so if you want to feel nostalgic, you should play this game. Dare to play remastered version of Onimusha: Warlods ? Let’s nostalgic together with this game.

Alan Wake’s Sequel Will Not Be Present in the Short Time

If you are a Trhiller physicological fan, you should be familiar with one of Alan Wake’s game titles. This game, adapted from a novel of the same name, seems to be quite well received by its fans, offering an experience with an atmosphere filled with darkness and the terror of creatures in the game, surely making fans curious and tense when playing.

Remedy, who is the developer behind the game title, is currently preparing for his new game titled Control, which has also revealed its official release date. Looking back to 2015, the co-founder and author of Remedy, Sam Lake, mentioned that Alan Wake 2, which was done for Microsoft, was actually done with a piece of mood and finally released another game called Quantum Break.

Actually Lake himself hopes that with the sequel, but requires not a little time to determine what the sequel will be like and hopefully the sequel will be far more exciting than before. But he was still silent about the continuation of Alan Wake and only revealed “so that time will answer”.

Three years later, Alan Wake fans seemed to be waiting for the sequel, but on the sidelines of the PAX East title, Remedy actually broke the hopes of its fans, where the announcement of Alan Wake itself would be at least in a few years.

To make his fans a little more calm, Thomas Puha as Director of Communication from Remedy revealed that his studio had been working on Alan Wake 2 years ago and that it still hasn’t succeeded now they are preparing more in the next few years, he told V24 gaming media / 7.

Basically Remedy still has an IP in the form of assets and some things related to Alan Wake are just how they mix and do it. That is still not enough because it requires extraordinary time and effort so that the results are truly up to or even more than the expectations of their fans. So if you are one of Alan Wake’s fans and the sequel, please be patient for the next few years.

Best Player In PES 2019, From Defender Untill Striker

Pro Evolution Soccer ( PES ) 2019 will be release in 30 August 2018. In this year, Konami is not cooperating with UEFA anymore, so the effect is they don’t have the licence for Champions League.

Konami improving the graphic so dramatically. Konami made it so realistic so the player can feel like playing in real football match. You also can nostalgic with Adriano, the football legends !

Like before, Konami also made a new statistic of the player. In the last version, Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player, but how about in PES 2019 ? No one know ! And this is the best player in PES 2019.

For defender, the best player is Ramos, Hummels, Marcelo, Pique and Van Dijk. They have higher score for defender, 87+ point.

For midfieldfer, we can see De Bruyne, Kroos, Modric, Kante and Silva. They have higher score for midfielder, 87+ point.

For striker, there is Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, Salah and Griezman. They have higher score for striker, 90+ point. Messi and Ronaldo still be the best striker in PES 2019 with 94 point, and Nemay took the second place with 93 point.

A little bit shocked, Mohamed Salah from Liverpool also be the best striker. If we see his performance with Liverpool, we think he fit to be the best player in PES 2019.

Sumire Kanzaki Will Reappear in the Newest Sakura Wars Game

Some time ago, SEGA has surprisingly announced that the Sakura Wars franchise has come to life through the emergence of a trailer that is truly dedicated to the newest game series. By also appearing the song Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan in the middle to the end of the trailer, many fans have finally been able to return to nostalgia in enjoying the versatility of the series.

And even now, suddenly an interesting thing has been discovered that seems to always accompany the existence of the game that is still Sega “calling” for the moment with the name Sakura Wars Project.

Assuming that all of you may have enough security or at least watched once the trailer trailer above, do you know if SEGA seems intent on presenting the old Sakura Wars character there?

In the right corner of the appendix above, you can see a complete wall pamphlet with Japanese kanji in it. In the leftmost column from top to bottom, the starch reads: “Kanzaki Sumire, as General Manager”.

Sumire Kanzaki himself is one of the main female characters who had appeared in the early series of the Sakura Wars game. She is known as a figure of a woman who is slightly arrogant and comes from a rich man’s child. While the top 5 letters are also read as “Imperial Opera Troupe” which seems to be the name of the location or headquarters of the majority of heroines in the new Sakura Wars game.

Newest Battle Royale Game: Apex Legends

If you have heard or played PUBG games, then this is the newest game that is a bit like PUBG. Apex Legend, this game is pretty similar to PUBG which has the theme of battle royale but has the touch of Overwatch. Because Apex Legend is not just an ordinary FPS game, it has skills.

This game was released on February 11, 2019, after doing research for the next 3 days, this game has been played by 25 million users! WOW, it’s quite big right ?. This game can be played with your friends as many as 3 people each party. If you die in the game, you can respawn again if your teammates help you.

Apex Legend has several characters ready to play. Each character also has their own abilities, such as attackers, defense, medic and trackers. As the name implies, the attacker, of course the task of this role is to attack and taje down enemy, the skill also supports to sneak up to attack the enemy. Defense is certainly a skill that is owned to protect a friend’s 1 team. Medic to cure one team friend and yourself. Tracker to track enemies whether there are enemies approaching or not.

The weapons used are also not too difficult to control, just need to adapt for a while. Unlike PUBG, the weapons are difficult to control and need time to adapt so they can control their weapons.

Gearbox Finally Announces Borderlands 3

Departing from a unique cartoonist visualization with unique & solid FPS gameplay, Borderlands is able to make gamers end up falling in love. 5 years has been absent, of course, making the fans feel longed for the presence of the latest series of the Gearbox concoction franchise.

The good news, finally the wait will soon be paid off, after circulating as mere rumors, finally today Gearbox announces a new Borderlands series, a Borderlands title which finally holds the number 3 behind it.

Through the reveal trailer of about 3.5 minutes that they have shown, Borderlands 3 will offer many actions that are far more “crazy” than the previous series. The artistic karunic visualization that Gerbox still maintains in the newest series this time, but of course with the improvement that makes the game look more dazzling on the current generation platform.

Gearbox itself is only sharing information through its first trailer, they plan to announce various details about Borderlands 3 on the 3rd April.

Dogfighter: World War 2 Will Be Released on June 27

Dogfighter: World War 2 is an air combat game using fighter planes like the Ace Combat game series. However, this IGGYMOB game has a quite unique premise, which matches the name of the game, the pilot driving a fighter is a dog.

The plan for the Dogfighter: World War 2 game will be released in advance for the Japanese region on June 27, and there has been no news for its release in other regions.

Taking the background of the second world war, there are iconic warplanes that players can later choose. Some of them are quite well known are Zero, Mustang, Spitfire, Messerschmitt and many more.

Furthermore, there are scenario modes inspired by recorded air battles in history. This game also has online multiplayer content in the form of Battle Royale mode, consisting of a choice of Solo, Duo or Squad modes.

Dogfighter: World War 2 will be released first for Japan on June 27 2019 specifically for the PS4 platform.

So, if you want to play a game which is have a unique gameplay and story, Dogfighter: World War 2 can be perfectly match with you. Prepare yourself to conquer the world with your friends in duo or squads mode ! Can’t wait for this game, right ?

Not Only Nero, Dante Also Can Be Play In Devil May Cry 5

Two month ago at E3 2018, Capcom already shocked us with their new project, Devil May Cry 5. In that time, Capcom made Nero in to main character. He will be the protagonist in this game. But in the trailer, we can see player play as Dante. But Dante in this game already old, not like previous series when Dante still young.

Dante is not the NPC in this game. He also can be play by gamers ! In Gamescom 2018, Capcom released the new trailer of Devil May Cry 5 which is not Nero in the trailer, but Dante. In the newest trailer, Dante start his action from his super cool bike.

Before talking about Dante, let’s discuss about the first trailer of DMC 5. In the trailer we can see many aspect we can do with Devil Breaker, the mechanic hand of Nero made by Nico. This Devil Breaker have eight mode and have an special ability to kill the enemy.

For example, Overture. This ability can shock the enemy with electric power. Nero also can made heat into a electric shock with Gerbera. In the trailer, we can see Devil Breaker can turn into grappling hook to hook the enemy and drag them to you.

There is two other weapon which will help you kill the enemy, they are Red Queen Blade and Handgun Blue Rose.

Jump Force Added Gon And Hyosoka From Hunter x Hunter

Still hesitate about Jump Force game ? Don’t worry, you will still love this game because there is two new character added to this game, they are Hisoka and Gon from Hunter x Hunter series. Cool right ?

Anime characted who combined with 3D Graphic non cel shaded maybe will be weird for some people, but Spike Chunsoft as a developer said that this combination will be a good combination.

At the end. Jump Force come to the market to entertaint many gamers around the world. There is a popular character from anime like Son Goku from Dragonball and Uzumaki Naruto from Naruto Shippuden series.

After success in J-Stars Victory VS, Spike Chunsoft came again to introduce their new game with Jump Force game. This game have a good 3D graphic, better than the last one.

For now, Bandai Namco and Spike Chunsoft still trying to set the best roaster who can be played in this game. For now, there is Dragonball, Naruto and One Piece character who can be play by the gamers.

Jump Force maybe will be available on 2019 for Playstation 4 and XBOX One. There is no news form Bandai Namco about Nintendo Switch and PC version. Are you ready for this fighting game ?

How To Get “IORI” Skin On Mobile Legends

A few months ago it was announced that Mobile Legend would collaborate between one of the SNK game developers, KOF (King of Fighter). This collaboration presents 3 skins that can be purchased in the game, namely, Leona which is the skin of Karina, Athena which is the skin of Guinevere, and finally Iori which is the skin of Chou. Of all these characters, Mobile Legend players can get Leona skin for free, and Athena directly bought it for almost 1300 Diamonds, and Iori Yagami through the Bingo event.

However, the event did not immediately give the skin of Iori Yagami, Chou directly. Where players must participate in bingo rewards, and make straight lines vertically, horizontally or diagonally on the cards listed on the event.

Players must spend a number of diamonds to participate in the event which is equal to 2250 Diamond to get 1 point in the bingo game. If you are lucky, you can get the Iori Yagami skin in 3 opening times, but if not you can spend your diamonds 6 times.

Taken from a Youtuber Mobile Legend “Hororo-Chan” who had obtained the Iori Kagami skin. Hororo-Chan opened 10 of these chests 5 times, and spent 10,575 Diamond diamonds. For Rp. 2,651,500, – (Price of Codashop Mobile Legend 4804 Diamond + 4804 Diamond + 966 Diamond + 6 Diamond) or around 2.5 million more to get the KOF skin.

Note: Mobile Legend gives a discount on the opening of the first 10 chests of 1575 diamonds, then you will spend 2250 diamonds per 10 crates.

PUBG Mobile Became The Most Downloaded Game Of The Year

PUBG Mobile became the most popular game in Android and IOS platform. They also reach 100 million download only in 4 month. Amazing right ? With this record, they also beat Mobile Legends Bang Bang and Arena of Valor.

Tencent as the developer of the game said that they reach this score only in 4 month after being released. They released this game on last March 2018. If this game available in China, Korea and Japan, the number can increase dramatically. As we know, that three country banned this game so Tencent can’t release this game in that country, sad.

PUBG Mobile is light version of PUBG for PC. This game is battle royale game. When you play this game, you will fight against 99 other player. You need to survive from dying, kill or be killed. Simple as that.

There are so many equipment you can choose when playing this game, start from weapon, helmet, ammo and many more.

“We want to say thank’s to Lightspeed and Quantum Studios as a developer. We also want to say thank’s to all player who playing this game. You all give us inspiration to giving more and more to you. Your dedication and spirit in playing this game is our pride,” said Vincent Wang as a General Manager of PUBG Mobile.

How You Feel If Work As Graveyard Keeper ?

Back in time, Harvestmoon was a great game with cool gameplay and feature. But till now, there is no developer who can make a game like Havestmoon. If you want to bring back you memories, you can play Graveyard Keeper.

This game look like Harvestmoon, but you play as a graveyard keeper. Your job is to stimulate your life to build a good cemetery. Same as Harvestmoon, you need to collect material to build a good graveyard. Not only that, you also can collect item from corpses for gaining gold.

Graveyard Keeper have large map, so you can explore more and more. There is a cool festival and a little bit romantic sense in this game.

If you are a coward and scare to play horror game, you no need to worry, this game is cute fun game with no jumpscare scene. The undead and skeleton in this game are so damn cute, so you no need to worry about them.

Graveyard Keeper using a pixel style graphic. This game focusing on the story instead of graphic. But this game is fun to play and can be a time killer !

If you want to play this game, you can download it from Steam for Rp. 108.999 or 7,99 USD. Bring back your memories about Harvestmoon by playing this game !

New Fraction, New Heroes, And New Features On Seven Knight

Who are the fans of mobile RPG games that don’t know about this Netmarble game called Seven Knight. The game that runs with the turn based RPG system is very popular from year to year, and only a few days ago announced that it would bring new content into the game in the next update. The update will present a new Special Hero named ‘Aleem’.

Aleem is a special hero from the “Terra Herald” fraction that was added to the update. Terra Herald is a new fraction that appears in the game. Netmarble added that they will also add and present content along with new heroes in the fraction. Plus, Aleem, who is the first hero of the faction, will become the new leader in Terra Herald and will have unique skills.

In addition to new heroes and new factions, Seven Knight will also provide new features that can strengthen the hero by using an additional ability, “Fighter Soul”. However, to use the ‘Soul Soul’, players must use ‘Soul Shard’ to strengthen the hero and these items can be obtained through Adventure and arena.

The cool thing is, to celebrate the new update, Netmarble is happy to provide abundant rewards and interesting events. Immediately, Download the Seven Knight on your mobile, and login now!

PC Games Recommendation Of The Week !

if you feel bored this week, there is a very good recommendation game from us. we knew there were a thousand game in the market, but only a few games interesting and have a good gameplay and story. So this is our recommendation.

1. We Happy Few

This game is one of the most popular indie game in the last year. For now, the developer already finish making this game. This game has a unique gameplay and so catchy for gamers. This game take place in 1960 when all people living a shitty life but forced to be happy and smile everyday.

All the people will take a medicine called Joy which can give them a happy feeling. But there is a dark secret about this medicine and you need to beat the organitation who make this pills. This survival horror game can be a good game for you to play, good story, good gameplay and creepy sounds can bring back the horror atmosphere.

2. Monster Hunter World

We think this game is a good game for you, specially for you who played the other series of Monster Hunter. This game be the most succesfull game this year ! The developer also make the price lower than the previous version so it’s a good news right ?

In this game, you will fight against hundred monsters. When you beat the monster, you can craft many equipment like armor, helmet, boots, weapons and many more. So this game can be your partner to accompany you through the weekend.

3. Walking Dead: Final Season

If you are the fans of Walking Dead Series, so you need to play this game. From the first season, this game came with emotional story. But you must remember, this game is point to click game, so it’s not suitable for all gamers. But if you like this kind of game, you need to play this one. Seriously !



Indonesia Wins 1st Place in 2019 SEA Finals PES

PES Southeast Asia (SEA) Finals 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand has just ended. Indonesia won the first place and topped seven other participating countries.

Indonesia sent four people as representatives in the 2019 SEA Finals PES, including Rizky Faidan from Bandung, Rommy Hadiwijaya from Banjarmasin, Elga Cahya Putra from Palembang, and Ardi Agung Nugroho from Lampung.

The four were selected from the national level competition as the initial stage before becoming representatives for Indonesia, Liga1PES held on February 16-17 2019. This competition previously collected 25 of the best players from Jakarta,Jawa, Sumatra Island, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, NTT and NTB .

Quoted from RevivalTV, Rizky Faidan became the most interesting. The teenager, nicknamed “The Wonder Boy”, was the youngest participant in the PES competition for several years. Rizky became a finalist several times and won the international PES competition.

At the age of 13, Rizky has been active as a champion of the national level PES competition. Rizky has already passed the Liga1PES final round three times so that he is a representative of Indonesia, starting from the 2016 PES SEA Finals in Hanoi, Vietnam, and the first winner in PES 2018 Malaysia.

This year at the age of 15, Rizky managed to get Indonesia to win first place in the 2019 SEA Finals PES competition. In the competition which was joined by 32 players from eight countries, Rizky brought Indonesia to meet Vietnam in the final round.

RevivalTV said that previously (besides Rizky) Indonesian representatives were defeated by representatives from Vietnam and finally only left Rizky. The fight between Rizky and the Vietnamese representatives ended in penalty shootouts with numbers 4-3.

Thanks to this achievement, Rizky won a prize money of THB 50,000 or Rp.22 million. With this title, Rizky will be Indonesia’s representative for the PES championship in Tokyo Japan for the next few months.

Director of The Witcher 3 Now Handle Cyberpunk 2077

Not only is it a new standard in the RPG action genre, The Witcher 3 has successfully raised the prestige of CD Projekt Red to be one of the ambitious developers that some of its rivals must respect.

An interesting premise and a half-opened nature of the open-world world, creating works with content that can be played up to hundreds of hours for players and increase the standard for video game design. Their success certainly not only escaped the cold hands of the staff, but also the direction of the director of the game Konrad Tomaszkiewicz. It’s believed once again to handle the new mega project being worked on, Cyberpunk 2077.

A user reddit, asbx444 found that the Konrad LinkedIn account was updated and provided its current position status which rose to the rank of Vice President of Game Development and Design Director for Cyberpunk 2077.

Even though it’s quite unfortunate that the game’s Creative Director actually moved to Blizzard Entertainment, but with Konrad’s presence, of course, Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to be better than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently under construction, there is no release date at all, but it is certain that it will be present on the current generation console and PC. CD Projekt Red has also confirmed that the game will appear at E3 this year. You can read our information summary to find out more.

Bully 2 Confirmed In Progress?

After having spread a lot of rumors of the presence of the Bully 2 series complete with the casting opening about it, Rockstar apparently is still silent and unwilling to reveal whether this is true. However, leaks from the following YouTuber will probably give a glimmer of hope for it presence.

Through the uploaded video, SWEGTA revealed that a user named Alex Martens agreed that Bully 2 was being worked on by Rockstar when commenting on the previous video. Interestingly, there was someone who was also named Alex Martens who worked at Rockstar Games as a Technical Designer.

Some SWEGTA videos about Bully 2 commented on similar accounts put suspicion on the franchise fans. For some users on Reddit to find out who Alex Martens commented on the YouTuber video, it was finally decided that the possibility that the account is the original developer of Rockstar Games is true.

The account was created in 2013 with 189 subscribers complete with their own profile picture. He also follows the official Game Developers Conference (GDC) channel. If the account is a fake account, then he won’t have a profile picture and doesn’t have any reason to follow the official GDC channel. Moreover, the account was created six years ago which dismissed the notion that he was a random person who claimed that he was a member of Rockstar Games and commented on the existence of Bully 2 to seek attention.

Since the video was viral in the gaming community, Alex Martens changed his website to Alex M and removed his profile picture. Of course, in the absence of concrete evidence, it could be that the account is a nosy act of ignorant hands on just one person on the internet. However, if it is the original account of one of the Rockstar developers, is it possible to get unofficial confirmation of the presence of Bully 2? Who knows?

CardBoard Battle Royale Style Game – Cardboard Clash

Who today does not know a NetEase game development company. Currently NetEase games dominate the Indonesian market, with Rules of Survival entering the top free game in Indonesia, the Onmyoji Arena with its well-known MOBA system, and Identity V which is the only Asymmetrical horror game that can be played on your cellphone . Apart from some of the games that are quite popular above, it turns out that there is another NetEase game that is very popular, Cardboard Clash.

Cardboard Clash is a Battle Royale game that uses unique and funny cartoonist characters. Just like other battle royale games, players will use the characters they choose. Uniquely, each character can be customized, where players can make their own characters in the game. Starting from funny, cute, cute characters to weird characters can be made in the game. Each has the ability, skill, and talent.

Cardboard Clash is a fast paced battle royale game, where 1 game will last <10 minutes. Where the arena area will get smaller every minute. You are required to fight enemies in one arena to become the number 1 winner in the game. Use various weapons, skills and so on that can be obtained in each game. Arena game will be in the form of 3D World with a different cartoonist style with other battle royale games. Interested in the game? You can download it on iOS or on your Android.

Metro Exodus: New FPS Game With Different Gameplay

With a myriad of improvements & overhaul in the gameplay presented, Metro Exodus is able to present an immersive FPS experience. Everything that is interesting and the variety of things offered is offered to make this game feel more interesting and challenging. The existence of Metro Eksodus is as if able to push the standard of the FPS single player towards a higher level.

Immersive, is an experience that we describe through increasing and reshaping the Metro Exodus gameplay, he presents presenting Metro gameplay that we have known so far, but with a very significant increase. Gameplay Every transition that is presented feels much more challenging, ranging from movement, camera, environment, shooting games, to the weather, everything feels more complicated and challenging.

Of course, everything that matters also affects the level of this problem. The current level of difficulty Metro Exodus feels is according to previous series. The Artyom movement will not be as fast as in the previous series, where now it can let compilation be activated to keep running. Resources & ammunition are now also felt more limited, as a support, now you can do crafts to mix supplies & ammunition through the resources that you have obtained. But still, you can only bring suply & ammunition in a limited amount on each trip, surely this will make it easier for you to always use bullets & supplies as economically & wisely as possible.

Try to emphasize flexibility 4A This game also feels that players can determine the style of play & challenge it specifically. To complete the mission, you can begin to prepare for resources & support preparation. Can you use a variety of ways to complete a mission, shoot a shot at the extraordinary? do stealth? pass through different areas? Everything is up to everyone.

First Person Shooter Online Game: Point Blank

Point Blank is a FPS (First Person Shoter) game that we can find everywhere, such as in internet cafes and our homes. This game can be played by creating an account first. This game was first developed by Gemscool. Then moved to Garena and is now fully held by Zepetto.

Point Blank is a game that can be played by all ages, from elementary school children to adults. Even Point Blank has a tournament, namely PBIC (Point Blank International Championship). This game does not only exist in Indonesia, but also abroad, such as Thailand, the Philippines and others.

This game is more inclined to Pay to Win. Because this game only provides weapons that are not good enough for early games like K1, K2 and ordinary Snipers. If you want a better weapon, then you have to top up Cash to buy weapons available at the Point Blank game shop, if you don’t want to spend money, you can play patiently while collecting POINTs to buy weapons. In the shop there are not only weapons, but accessories for games such as Quick Change, HP 10%, Quick Reload, Extra Magazine. So for those who are not patient, you can immediately fill in the cash and buy all the equipment according to your needs.

Anime Fighting Game: Jump Force

Surely everyone knows about the Shonen Jump manga, especially the otaku. Shonen Jump is now making a game called Jump Force. Jump Force is a fighting game or battle between characters. But the characters provided here are characters or heroes from some famous anime such as Ichigo from Bleach, Naruto, One Punch man, One Piece and Dragon Ball.

We can also create our own characters and we also can customize details like eyes, nose, face shape and more. We can also combine several costumes or accessories from existing anime character characters.

The characters provided are quite numerous, there are 40 characters ready to play. The characters from Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball anime were the ones who contributed the most because the 3 anime is one of the biggest series of Shonen Jump.

The price for this game is quite expensive, so for those of you who want to play this game you have to spend quite a lot, which is 599,000 on Steam. This game also exists on other platforms such as PS 4 and Xbox One. But unfortunately before this game was released globally, the Hacker had succeeded in hacking this game, it was still not released but could be downloaded for free on certain websites.

Potato Mode In Mortal Kombat X Totally Fun !

There is one thing which is really interesting in Mortal Kombat X, it is Fatality. This is the moment when you want to knock down your enemy with cool style. In Fatality, there is bloody gore content which is really cool to watch, but how about if the graphics is set to low or we can call it potato mode ?

As we know, Mortal Kombat is the most popular game with best graphics till now. In the first series of Mortal Kombat, they using Digitized Sprite which can record the actor motion, and then they converted it to animation graphics sprite. With this script, they can make a very good motion in the game, specially for Mortal Kombat X which is new.

But there is a question, how the graphics if we set the graphics setting to low or potato mode ? Gamespot finally trying this thing. In the Potato mode, all look so horrible !

Let’s talk about the blood, in potato mode, the blood looks like a jelly, yeah, strawberry jelly ! So funny !

The second one is the organs. In high graphics settings, we can see the detail, like the brain, the bone and the other things. But in potato mode, all looks like a cute jelly, jigle jigle jigle….

The lightning also horrible. In potato mode, the lightning is dissapear, the subject and the object look so dark. So if you have a popato PC, you should not buy this game or you will be a potato too, lol ..

FIFA 19 Bring New Experience For Gamer

The biggest football game that we know in history which is FIFA already launched their new product which is FIFA 19. Check it out how to play a foofball game with some Battle Royale mode.

the words Battle Royale maybe is a common words for a player that plays PUBG and Fortnite game, but how can this survival mode can be apply in the simulator game such as FIFA 19 ?

As we know that FIFA 19 is reportly to make a survival mode in their news product now, but do not think this mode will be the same with the Battle Royale that you know in where you can find like a hundred player football inside the field going for one ball. it is sounds very confusing right ?

so let check it out how the play this survival mode in FIFA 19. Survival mode FIFA 19 is more to whether which teams is getting the most goal first. Like usual, you will find that is two teams in the field that play, so when each one of the team getting the goal, another team will lose one of their players. So how can they game is over ? its will happen when one of the teams lost 4 players in their behalf and leave only 7 player in their teams, in that case the other team won the game. Sounds interesting right ?

So why do not FIFA19 make this survival mode until they find one last man standing in the field and that one wins the game ? Simple, because it against the laws of Federal International Football in where stated that one teams will automaticaly lose if the player inside the field in their team reached 7 people.

That is not the only  new things that you can find out in FIFA 19. Gamers also can find out a new no rules mode in this game, in where the gamers can erase the use of the referee inside the field, so when you  active this mode, you can found out that this game will not consist of offside and any other rules anymore.

FIFA 19 will launched their product to the user of PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC with the 4K resolution in PS4, Xbox One and PC.

PUBG Lite Will Be Availabe On 14 February

Talking about PUBG, of course we are talking about a battle royale game that requires PC specifications to run it smoothly. Of course this is always the main obstacle for gamers who only have “PC potatoes”, to outsmart this, finally Tencent launches PUBG Mobile which can be played on PC potatoes though.

Try giving PC PC gamers the chance to enjoy the PC version of PUBG with friendlier specifications, finally PUBG Corp will release the Lite version of PUBG PC. The good news is that next week, the beta version will be available for 4 Southeast Asian countries – Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and of course Indonesia.

The good news is, unlike the original paid version, the Lite version of PUBG will be available for free, just like PUBG Mobile. For those of you who intend to play the beta version on February 14, you can immediately register through their official site.

Following are the specifications needed for PUBG Lite:


OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i3 2.4GHz
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i5 2.8GHz
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870

This Assassin ‘Creed 3 Remastered is planned to be released on March 29, 2019, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, & PC.

Only 1000 Player Left In LOL Season 9 In Indonesia

League of Legends from RIOT Games is an MOBA game with the most players in the world. Many players from the United States, Europe and Asia play this one game. Unfortunately in Indonesia, the demand is very small.

League of Legends or often abbreviated as LoL itself has been published from 2009. But it only entered Indonesian servers through Garena at the end of 2013. In the sixth year the Indonesian League of Legends server was increasingly left behind by the players. Even though in other Southeast Asian servers League of Legends is still in demand by MOBA PC players.

The beginning of season 9 has been started since the end of the jaunuari yesterday. The total League of Legends Indonesia players who play ranked matches are only 1,200 people to date. Of course it’s a drastic decline from the biggest MOBA game in the world.

Many old players retired from playing LoL because there were fewer events given by Garena. As well as the emergence of MOBA Mobile, which is much more salable in Indonesia, it is also a major factor in the loneliness of League of Legends players in Indonesia.

We’ll see if Garena will give a new breakthrough so that League of Legends players in Indonesia will be crowded again. Or League of Legends has officially become a dead game in Indonesia. Then, will the server and Indonesian players be left behind later?

Kingdom Hearts 3 – Make Smile Every Time!

6 years is not a short time, first announced at the E3 2013 event, now we can finally enjoy Kingdom Hearts 3. After such a long wait, now everything is paid off, finally we can enjoy Sora’s latest adventure as a whole.

Development over a period of years is certainly expected to appear stunning, and Square Enix managed to do so. There are a lot of significant positive changes in Kingdom Hearts 3, and the most striking of course comes from the visual aspect. Packed with Unreal Engine 4, the visual quality that is presented looks very refreshing to the eyes, every world that Sora explores feels always “sweet”.

The matter of story matters, as we know, Kingdom Hearts is indeed one of the franchises with complex stories. But this third series is confirmed to immediately continue Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Of course, for those of you who decide to go directly to this third series, it will be difficult to digest the story that was presented. Given that Kingdom Hearts itself has 9 main games, all of which have related stories.

From the aspect of the gameplay itself, now Kingdom Hearts 3 comes with a mechanism that is increasingly complex but far more interesting. Every fight that is presented always feels good, starting from just facing the kroco, to facing the boss battle, all of which are very unique and interesting. A quick battle with each combo that can be released by Sora, presents visual and movement effects that are very pleasing to the eye and will make your eyes difficult to blink.

The Wolves Fear, The New Battle Royale Game Officially Released Early February On Steam

Battle royale genre seems to be the main attraction for game developers in the world. Given the success of Player Unknown’s BattleGrounds, it is capable of having more than 2 million fixed online players every day. Uniquely the PUBG did it all in just one year since its release.

Finally, video game developers are competing to make battle royale games and try to match the achievement of PUBG. One of them is the developer of the Wolves Fear, Vostok Games. They tried to make a game with the genre of battle royale but with a different look.

In the Wolves Fear game the players not only survive against other players, the red zone, or just the blue zone as in the PUBG. But they also have to deal with mutants, wild animals, radiation, weather, frightening anomalies, and of course other players.

The graphics themselves also impressed extraordinary. With a display like the Counter Strike: Global Offensive game, the players feel at home playing the game. The Wolves Fear itself has actually been present in steam since August 2018 yesterday in the form of early access. While the official release will only be held on February 6 at a price of 170,000 in steam.

The Senior Designer God of War Officially Crossed to the Microsoft Studio

Microsoft is now starting to increasingly want to assert itself as Sony’s toughest competitor in producing rows of exclusive games with high graphic quality. The form of business they do is really not playing games. Almost all layers of talented indie developers have succeeded in recruiting and trusting as part of developers affiliated with first party. Names like Obsidian, Ninja Theory, and Compulsion Games are examples of secret ammunition that Microsoft has prepared to bring in 2019.

Most interestingly, the existence of these potential developers in fact is still felt not enough for Microsoft. Because recently, they have again carried out strategic ties to strengthen their performance in creating a game that is definitely labeled more than AAA.

However, what Microsoft has just recruited this time is not a group of developers, but one of the key figures who has contributed to making the God of War PS4 game win the award as the best game version of The Game Awards in 2018 yesterday.

It’s Chris O’Neill, a senior level designer from God of War who has now decided to leave Santa Monica and Sony to help Microsoft realize their ambitions. Chris, who was once noted to have also worked for Kojima Production, will be recruited as one of the important staff at Microsoft’s new studio called The Initiative. The news has been echoed directly through the results of the biodata update on his LinkedIn account stating that Chris has now officially dedicated himself to Microsoft.

Hopefully this can be a brighter sign for the survival of Microsoft in the world of the video game industry?

Only 28% Succes Finishing Resident Evil II Remake Demo

The long wait will soon be paid off, soon the gamers will soon be able to reminisce with a variety of qualities that are far more mesmerizing through Resident Evil 2 Remake. Now it’s just a matter of a few days away for fans to be able to enjoy Capcom’s ambitious remake, which is also predicted to be presenting a far more amazing experience than the original title.

Welcoming the date of its close release, a few moments ago Capcom has launched a new trailer that looks unique. In the trailer you are required to make the choice to continue the video, of course it looks similar to the game choice matters gameplay.

The nostalgic horror game from Capcom, Resident Evil 2 Remake, will be released at the end of January 2019. But the players who can’t wait to play it or just want to try how the fun of the game can already taste the demo version. A demo version titled BIOHAZARD RE: 2 The “1-Shot Demo” can be played for free by PC users via steam. The game itself will be pegged at a price of 500 thousand rupiah.

In the demo version, there are many players who want to know the excitement of the game remake. The trial shows how cool visuals, audio, and gameplay from Resident Evil 2 remake. As many as more than 1.6 million players play the game.

At least the players who succeeded in completing the demo game are likely because they were only given a short time to complete it, the game that seemed too scary, or the players were more busy admiring the results of the remake.

We’ll see if later the Resident Evil 2 Remake will get enthusiastic like the demo version and defeat the jaul version of Resident Evil 7 or Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil 2 Remake itself is scheduled to be released on January 25, 2019 for the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam.

Fortnite Finally Adding Heavy Shotgun On PS4, Xbox and PC

FYI, Fortnite Battle Royale finally adding a new weapon, Heavy Shotgun. This new gun only availabe for PS4, Xbox and PC. Luckily there is no additional download required to using this new gun, not only that, all server will still online, no downtime and you can play like usually.

Fortnite also want to adding Falme Grill Floor Trap, but till now, it’s not precisely announced when this item will be available. But Fortnite team said that this item will be available soon, very soon.

Last week Fortnite already doing the big patch, update 3.3 In this update, they added remote explosive. With this item, you can plant some bomb and detonate it whenever you want, sounds cool right ? But you must know, you only can plant 4 bomb at the time, no more.

How you can get the remote explosive gun ? You can found it inside the treasure chest or supply drops. In update 3.3, there is one new box called supply llamas, you also can get this gun from this supply llamas. It’s also come with many good supply to help you survive the battle.

Fortnite also launched on iOS and Android, but you need a highly specification of your mobile phone to play this game.

Square-Enix Describe New Features In Left Alive Online

After yesterday being tempted by online features by Front Mission’s spinoff game director, Left Alive, Nabeshima Toshifumi, many fans thought that the feature was multiplayer, but it didn’t seem at all after they firmly answered. Then, what are the features like?

Reported by Twinfinite, the Left Alive online feature is a feature similar to the Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 features. Where you will be able to find out where the player dies by turning on the Heat Map Display. Uniquely, besides showing where other players die, you can also take items from their corpses to get rare objects.

In addition to this, Square-Enix also announces New Game + which allows you to play back the game from the start with the levels and abilities that you have increased in the previous playthrough.

Left Alive will be released February 28 in Japan for the PlayStation 4 and PC, while the English version will be released on March 5, 2019 on the same platform. You can read more news about it through their official.

Petition For Kimi Hime Negatif Content In Youtube

It is very difficult to believe if in 2019 there are gamers who do not know who Kimi Hime is, considered too sensual Kimi Hime indeed often attracts a lot of attention, especially for boys. Even though she has Subscribers that are not small on her YouTube Channel, she still does not guarantee that she will not be hated. On January 12, 2018 around 18 hours ago, an account named Arik Setiawan just released an online Petition on Change.org that protested Kimi Hime’s content.

Reasons for the petition? reported from his campaign page on Change.org Arik Setiawan admitted that he did this in order to protect the younger generation who could freely consume content on the Youtube Channel Kimi Hime.

The Online Petition indeed clearly asked Kimi Hime to “Erase Negative Content on the YouTube Channel”. And these demands were sent to Youtube Indonesia Alone, insofar as this writing was made there were more than 15 thousand people who signed this agreement, and the petition still seemed to continue to steal a lot of individual sympathy.

Because until now we haven’t seen the age restrictions on Kimie Hime’s Vidieo content, of course there are many other factors that affect such tags that she uses and the context of the video itself. But as long as Youtube has not put an age limit on Kimi Hime’s Youtube content, it can be ascertained that Youtube considers this reasonable.